“He Being Rejected by Those Who Were Once His Friends and Also by His Father and His Kindred”

Bryan Richards

Hugh Nibley

"Here's this very pointed passage in verse 16. Remember it telling what a rich, important man Amulek was, and how everybody envied him, like Oedipus? He was the blue blood of the city, a direct descendant of Nephi, highly respected for his labor. He had made himself rich, and everybody thought a lot of him. But to go out with Alma he got rid of all his swag, and this is what happened. 'Amulek having forsaken all his gold, and silver, and his precious things, which were in the land of Ammonihah, for the word of God, he being rejected by those who were once his friends and also by his father and his kindred.' Not only his friends cut him off cold when he didn't have any more money, his family cut him off cold when he didn't have any more money. Well, he had gotten his money by hard work, etc. They were doing the right thing [in their eyes]. I guess they all clamored to get the dough. Then they all went to court.
"My best friend Paul Springer was a chief reporter in San Francisco for many years. Then he was on the city council in San Francisco. He was in charge of the testating courts for wills, etc. And what people would do for money! They would become mortal enemies in a very rich family over a thing like a piano stool or something like that, because of greed and desire to possess. [He described] the greed in these courts where they claim the property. Who will get the most? Who will get the diamond ring? Even a pair of used shoes they would cut each others' throats for. What people do when they go after material things is astounding, isn't it? You see this is real psychology here. Amulek got rid of his money and nobody wanted to have anything to do with him anymore." (Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Lecture 50, p. 353)

