“They Were Angry with Alma [C]1958[/c] [I]2867[/i] Because of the Plainness of His Words Unto Zeezrom”

Bryan Richards

The wicked frequently attack the prophets on legal grounds. Abinadi was accused of sedition (Mosiah 11:28) and lying (Mosiah 12:14), when the priests and Noah were angry because he so plainly spoke of their iniquities. Joseph Smith was arrested over 40 times on trumped up charges of treason, disorderly conduct, etc. The Savior was accused of blasphemy for saying that he was the Son of God (Jn 10:30-33). In each of these instances, like with Amulek, the accusers are angry because they have been appropriately called to repentance. Rather than repent, they respond with anger and frivolous legal charges in order to destroy the servants of God.

