Alma 12:33 Textual Variants

Royal Skousen
but God did call on [men 1ABDEFIJLMNOPQRST|man CGHK] in the name of his Son

Once more we have a question regarding the number for man /men (see the nearby discussion under verses 27 and 30). In this instance, the 1840 edition replaced the plural men with the singular man. Either reading is theoretically possible. There is one similar passage where the verb is call, and this reads in the plural: “and the office of their ministry is to call men unto repentance” (Moroni 7:31). Here in Alma 12:33, the critical text will follow the earliest reading, “God did call on men in the name of his Son”.

Summary: Maintain in Alma 12:33 the earliest text with its plural men: “God did call on men”.

Analysis of Textual Variants of the Book of Mormon, Part. 3
