“It Is Given Unto Many to Know the Mysteries of God”

Brant Gardner

Rhetoric: Here Alma answers Zeezrom’s implicit question, not his explicit one. Alma has perceived Zeezrom’s confusion, which could be phrased as: “Why don’t I know about this?” Zeezrom was well educated; how has that education failed him? Alma responds by explaining that Yahweh reveals some things only to those whose hearts are ready for them. Zeezrom and his fellow lawyers have made the order of the Nehors popular; in consequence, they did not want to hear Yahweh. However, Zeezrom’s heart has now opened and Alma can answer his question.

Vocabulary: Skousen notes that “only” in this passage means “except.” “They shall not impart only [except] according to the portion of his word.… ”

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
