“More Than One God”

Brant Gardner

Rhetorical: This is no accidental question on Zeezrom's part. It is most probable that Zeezrom knows very well what Amulek's answer will be. This is a debate between Nephite religion and the order of Nehor. Even though Ammonihah has chosen the order of Nehor, they surely understood the Nephite religion. Zeezrom chooses this particular issue because he is building a case with which he believes he will trap Amulek. He asks about multiple gods not because there were other religions that believed in multiple gods (although it is also rather certain that Zeezrom also knew of such religions) but precisely because he knows that Amulek believes in only one God. Zeezrom wants this admission out of Zeezrom to use against him, as we will see as the argument develops.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
