“The Object of These Lawyers Was to Get Gain”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Because the lawyers and judges were paid according to the time they spent in court trying a person who had run afoul of the law, any trumped-up charges against the unfortunate one was a matter of considerable expense to him. For the particular reason that legal entanglements provided much litigation in which both lawyers and judges profited, they constantly urged the people to settle their disputes in court.

Not only that, but the officers of the court, which we conclude were these same judges and lawyers, continually kept their clients in a state of turmoil by inciting them into rioting. All manner of "disturbances and wickedness" were exploited by them to gain remuneration from their fraudulent scheme. It was for this very purpose that "they did stir up the people against Alma and Amulek."

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
