“I Did Harden My Heart for I Was Called Many Times and I Would Not Hear”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

Amulek’s self-characterization is analogous to the pattern of life being practiced by his listeners, the leadership of the city. They too are people of repute; they too have been called upon many times to receive the word of God, and they too have hardened their hearts against it. Thus Amulek is relating to them on their own terms, but with one exception: he has obeyed and is now stepping forth with courage to tell them the truth in the words of an insider. Just as Alma the Elder rose in majesty to defend the prophet Abinadi from the wrath of King Noah and his priests, Amulek now speaks with authority to his fellow countrymen and confirms the words of another prophet, Alma the Younger.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
