“Rejoice and Return to the City of Ammonihah Speedily”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

There is a lesson in the experience of Alma. Even though the people fail to heed his word, he still has reason to rejoice, according to the angel, for he has been faithful in keeping the commandments of God. This is the same angel who has guided Alma himself from a state of impenetrable hard-heartedness to transformational repentance in the early years of his life (see verse 15). How long does it take Alma to obey and return to the city? He returns “speedily” (verse 18)—another lesson in the quality of obedience for us to remember and emulate. This time Alma’s message is even more urgent and imperative than before: repent or be destroyed. His ultimatum to the people of Ammonihah is swift, sure, and powerful, for he is teaching with the Spirit of the Lord.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
