“Alma Returns and Asks a Man for Something to Eat”

Monte S. Nyman

Alma’s entry on the south (v. 18) was apparently to avoid being recognized. However, it may also have been because the Lord had impressed him to go that way so he would meet Amulek. Certainly, the Lord prepared Amulek for their meeting (v. 20). An angel was sent to tell Amulek that Alma would be a blessing to him (see Alma 10:7). The message probably did not mean the literal blessing that Alma pronounced upon his house (v. 22). The recounting by Alma of his previous visit and rejection (vv. 23–25) was to prepare Amulek for what the Lord really had in mind for him. However, Alma was not yet aware of Amulek’s role. The many days Alma tarried with Amulek were to teach and prepare him (see Alma 10:11).

Book of Mormon Commentary: The Record of Alma
