“Except They Repent the Lord God Will Destroy Them”

Brant Gardner

The Lord’s command to warn a city of its imminent destruction is reminiscent of Jonah’s similar call to warn Nineveh (Jonah 3). The two accounts differ markedly, however. Alma did not hesitate as Jonah did. Nineveh repented, while Ammonihah did not. Nevertheless, the similarity is instructive in showing Yahweh’s care to warn his children about what they need to do—whether whole cities of single individuals. In both cases, destruction loomed on the horizon and the preventive measure was not to reinforce the city’s fortifications but to reform the heart. Each community was called to repentance. Nineveh’s heed averted destruction. Ammonihah’s defiance led to destruction.

Second Witness: Analytical & Contextual Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 4
