“They Should Gather Themselves Together Oft”

Bryan Richards

Latter-day saints have no problem gathering themselves together oft. They are constantly meeting, sometimes for the sake of having a meeting. Sacrament meetings, however, are indispensable. Imagine what would happen to the ward if there were no opportunity to gather together, sing hymns, share the Spirit, and partake of the Sacrament. The Lord's church would crumble in a hurry without this important Sunday service. That Alma's people gathered in fasting and mighty prayer in behalf of the welfare of the souls of those who knew not God shows that they understood the meaning and purpose of their worship meetings.

Spencer W. Kimball

"We attend sacrament meetings to worship the Lord. If the meeting is conducted or if we attend with any other thought, we have missed the spirit of the occasion. Those who attend meeting only when the speaker is eloquent, the lecturer is noted, or the music is excellent, are far ahead of the high purpose and loftiness of this meeting in the house of prayer. It should be worship from the first announcement to the final prayer, consisting of the singing of sacred songs, prayers of gratitude, the partaking of the sacrament with appropriate thoughts, and the expounding of the gospel and bearing testimony of its divinity." (The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, p. 514)

LeGrand Richards

"We do not want to neglect our prayers; we do not want to neglect attendance at our sacrament meetings. We do not want a spirit of darkness to come over us. I want to bear testimony to you Latter-day Saints, as a result of my own experience and training, and that of my children, that I know of no better way that we can keep the spirit of God burning in our souls and in their souls than by attending sacrament meetings." (Conference Report, Oct. 1945, p. 38)

