“Can Ye Feel So Now”

K. Douglas Bassett
“I was building a shed next to my home… . I asked my son to go over to the neighbors and borrow a power drill so that ‘turning the screws in’ would not be such a tedious job. He returned with a rechargeable power drill… . I found that as I tried to put in the screws the drill would take them in about half-way and then the power would give out. The battery-powered drill did not have sufficient power for the difficult task. I told my son to take the drill back and ask the neighbor for his other drill because the rechargeable one did not have enough power for the job I was doing. When he returned with the other drill, we plugged it into the outlet in our home. I found that I now had more than enough power to drive the screws all the way into the wood. Both power drills were instruments in my hands; however, only one was able to perform the task that I needed done. As [returned] missionaries and servants of the Lord we might ask ourselves, Am I like the rechargeable drill trying to get by on spirituality stored up from past experiences, or am I striving to be in tune continually so I am like a power drill that is plugged into the source of all power?” (Clyde J. Williams, Alma - Testamony of the Word, ed. by Nyman and Tate, p. 91)

Latter-Day Commentary on the Book of Mormon
