Do You Exercise Faith in the Redemption of Him Who Created You!

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

The Redemption wrought by our Lord and our Creator, Jesus Christ, was believed in by the Nephites long before that holy Sacrifice was made on Calvary. The Nephites looked forward to its redeeming grace, just as we look back. Both visions, we have noted "are equally efficacious." In both, there is for all, the opportunity to act, or, cause action. To act, not amiss, is the aim of the faithful.

By faith, we may assure ourselves of the existence of that, which, to us, is not seen. It is the power through which things unseen are made real. By the faith we show, in that exact ratio will our works be. If our faith is great, so also, will the things we do be great. If our faith be in Christ, we will keep His commandments. We will so order our lives that in them we will glorify our Father which is in heaven.

In this verse Alma referred to faith as an eye. So it is! He called it, the eye of faith. The more it is used, the clearer becomes its perception. In it, there is no impaired vision; no corrective measures need be taken. To those who were once blind, the light of faith which shines in their eyes, is like a beacon to the mariner, it guides the weary sailor safely to the peaceful shores.

Alma now asked, "Do you look forward with an eye of faith?" Do you view your unworthy bodies, each with its own certain traces of death, raised to immortality and Eternal Life? The weaknesses of the flesh and its afflictions, those ill-omens of death and corruption, do you see them "swallowed up in everlasting and glorious victory through Christ, our Lord?" Do you see yourselves standing before God "to be judged according to the deeds which have been done in the mortal body?" Alma brought home to each of his listeners, especially those who before had refused to heed his words, the terrible forebodings of coming woe.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
