“And Now I Ask of You on What Conditions Are They Saved?”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

That question was, perhaps, the greatest one Alma could ask. The answer to it embraces the whole Plan of Life and Salvation; it begins with the story of man's immortal spirit, and that, as yet, is incomplete. God's love for His children is its major portion. His love for them is interwoven throughout the entire fabric of His Fatherly devotion. His righteous purposes, His holy mind and will are pledged to our welfare. It is His work and His glory to make our Salvation sure. Alma now asked, "What grounds had they to hope for salvation?" We immediately answer, "God's love!" That answer, in itself, is all embracing; it explains His long-suffering towards us, His denial of any right to act for us, that we may act for ourselves, (See II Nephi 2:16) His justice and mercy. In His loving-kindness He has prepared the way in which we are loosed from the "bands of death, yea, and also the chains of hell." In that "way" which is the Plan of Salvation we may find a complete and satisfactory answer to Alma's question.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
