“Whosoever Did Not Belong to the Church of God Began to Persecute Those That Did Belong to the Church of God”

Bryan Richards

In Zarahemla, the people could be divided into two big groups—the believers and the non-believers. This sort of division is bound to bring conflict. Those that did not belong to the church felt threatened and began to lash out against the believers. The history of the state of Utah has been ridden with a similar conflict as the non-members have often felt threatened by the massive Mormon majority. Their natural position is to take a defensive stance and to criticize. In Alma’s day, the members did not deserve the persecution they received. In our day, we should be careful not to contribute to the misunderstandings. Rather, we should try to weather the persecution, break down the prejudices, and broaden our friendships to include those who are critical. Alma’s people were a great example for they bore with patience the persecution which was heaped upon them.

