“Yea They Did Persecute Them”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

As the night follows the day, so also does ridicule and persecution follow the true Church. Darkness cannot tolerate light, and the prince of darkness certainly has no regard for those who have taken upon themselves the name of the Lord of Light.

It is a bitter irony that those who choose to traverse the broad roads of worldliness cannot rest while some others seek to navigate the strait and narrow course to eternal life. Nothing brings greater discomfort to the perverse than to be in the presence of the pure. Nothing alarms and aggravates the haughty and the pompous more than the humble and the contrite. And surely nothing incenses the practitioner of priestcraft more than witnessing the selfless service of one whose eye is single to the glory of God.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 3
