“They Could Not Bear That Any Human Soul Should Perish”

Bryan Richards
"As Lehi, Enos, the Sons of Mosiah, and Adam and Eve felt the joy of the gospel, they all wanted to share it with others. When we are as truly converted we will want to share the gospel with others as they did. That is a true measure of our personal conversion. When we are converted and we will feel the joy of the gospel, we desire to share it with others. If we feel no joy and/or have no desire to share the gospel with others, we probably are not truly converted." (Peterson, H. Donl, Tate, Charles D. Jr., The Pearl of Great Price: Revelations from God, pp. 43-44, James R. Moss)

Carlos E. Asay

"(Speaking of Mosiah 28:3-4) This and other scriptures describe a marvelous phenomenon which occurs among men when the light of the gospel illuminates their lives. Almost instinctively, it seems, that light of truth sparks a desire to share. When our minds are expanded by new knowledge, we want others to know; when our spirits are elevated by heavenly influence, we want others to feel; and when our lives are filled with goodness, we want others, particularly those whom we love, to enjoy similar experiences." (Conference Report, Oct. 1976)

