“I Have Repented of My Sins”

Church Educational System

One of the chief duties God requires of those He calls to serve is to help those who have strayed come back to the fold. While serving in the Seventy, Elder Theodore M. Burton (1907–89) shared his feelings about this sacred work: “I have been asked the question, ‘Isn’t it depressing to have to review the sins and transgressions of people involved in such difficulties?’ It would be if I were looking for sins and transgressions. But I am working with people who are repenting. These are sons and daughters of God who have made mistakes—some of them very serious. But they are not sinners. They were sinners in the past but have learned through bitter experience the heartbreak that results from disobedience to God’s laws. Now they are no longer sinners. They are God’s repentant children who want to come back to Him and are striving to do so. They have made their mistakes and have paid for them. Now they seek understanding, love, and acceptance” (in Conference Report, Oct. 1985, 80–81; or Ensign, Nov. 1985, 64).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (2009 Edition)
