The Lord Heard the Prayers of Alma the Elder and the People

John W. Welch

I like verse 14, when the angel said, "Behold, the Lord hath heard the prayers of his people." That tells us that the believers had been praying, especially in their distress. And the angel added "and also the prayers of his servant, Alma who is thy father, for he has prayed with much faith concerning thee, that you might be brought to a knowledge of the truth." Maybe, when Alma prayed, he said, as we sometimes we say, "Such and such is the result I want." But I doubt that he said, "I would like it to happen this way." However, he probably was thrilled when he could say, "My prayer is being answered." The angel’s words indicate that the prayers of Alma the Elder were crucial to the unfolding of this event, even if he had no idea how that should happen or how it might turn out. He must have been as surprised and astonished as anyone else in this powerful blessing.

John W. Welch Notes
