“The Voice of the Lord to Alma”

Monte S. Nyman

The voice of the Lord did not come to Alma until he had poured out his whole soul to God (v. 14). His was not a rote or formal prayer but a communication of soul to soul. After listening to Alma’s plea for help, the Lord comforted his troubled soul (v. 13) by giving two reasons for the people being blessed, and three reasons why Alma was blessed. The people were blessed because they had been baptized in the waters of Mormon after exercising exceeding faith in the words of Alma alone, only one witness (vv. 15–16). They were further blessed for their willingness to bear the name of Christ as members of his church (vv. 17–18).

Alma was blessed because he had exercised exceeding faith in Abinadi’s words alone, only one witness (v. 15). He had shown that he was “determined to serve [Christ] at all hazards” (TPJS, 150). Alma was further blessed because he had established the Lord’s church, giving the people the opportunity to be instructed and to become his people (v. 17). He was also blessed because he had inquired concerning the transgressor (v. 19). “The worth of souls is great in the sight of God” (D&C 18:10).

Book of Mormon Commentary: These Records Are True
