
Alan C. Miner

According to Hugh Nibley, the meaning of "Helam" (Mosiah 23:19) is prosperity and hope. . . . Helam means "to become suitable, to be well established." You could name a land Helam if it was a new colony. The word "Helam" also means "to be healthy, to recuperate, to restore, to revive a place, to prosper." A better name you couldn't give to a new settlement than prosperity, or restoration, or health, or revival, or suitability, or happy land. Helam was a good name, a name of good omen. [Hugh W. Nibley, Teachings of the Book of Mormon, Semester 2, p. 154] [See the commentary on Mosiah 18:12]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
