“It is Not Expedient That We Should Have a King”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Alma, when the demands of his followers became more insistent that he be their king, told them that it was not the mind and will of the Lord that they should have a king to rule over them. The Lord was their King, and before Him all men are equal. The Lord recognized but one condition through which any man may be regarded to be above another; only one way he is justified in thinking himself better than his neighbor. That way is by obedience to God's commands. All other ways lead to destruction. Alma reminded his people of the words of Abinadi, "I must fulfil the commandments wherewith God hath commanded me." (Mosiah 13:4) Until this, we may be sure he said, was done, who could say which one is the greater? Therefore, "It is not expedient ye should have a king."

Expedient means (1) Apt and suitable to the end in view. (2) Conducive to special advantage rather than to what is universally right. (3) Advisable means dictated by practical wisdom. (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary) The experience of Alma's followers under the reign of King Noah bore out the truth of his declaration to them.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
