“Suffering Much Loss”

Alan C. Miner

The men of Limhi went to battle three times against the Lamanites "suffering much loss" (Mosiah 21:11), so that "there was a great number of women, more than there was of men" (Mosiah 21:17). "Therefore king Limhi commanded that every man should impart to the support of the widows and their children, that they might not perish with hunger; and this they did because of the greatness of their number that had been slain" (Mosiah 21:17). If: (1) Alma and his at least 450 followers had fled, (2) Noah and his priests (and possibly many of his supporters) had been eliminated, and (3) Limhi's people had "kept together" (Mosiah 21:18); then the city of Lehi-Nephi (assuming that was the place where they gathered to) could well have been large enough to house the whole population of Limhi's people. Apparently Shilom ceased to be a Nephite possession at this time. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
