“King Noah Put to Death by Fire”

Monte S. Nyman

Gideon, who sent men into the wilderness to “hunt” for the king and his men, would have captured the king and turned him over to the Lamanites, to spare the Nephite lives (v. 15, 18). However, other men, who had deserted their wives and children, had second thoughts and fulfilled the prophecy of Abinadi. At Abinadi’s death he had foretold that the king and his priests would be “hunted”and “suffer, even as I suffer, the pains of death by fire” (Mosiah 17:18). The king had been put to death by fire, and the priests were about to be, but fled (Mosiah 19:20–21). The priests were later captured and put to death by fire (see Alma 25:8–12). Earlier Abinadi had prophesied that “Thus saith the Lord … the life of King Noah shall be valued as a garment in a hot furnace; for he shall know that I am the Lord” (Mosiah 12:2–3). His own people had placed no value on his life. They considered his reign as king and cast him into the fire as a useless worn-out garment. The “ceremony” they preformed (Mosiah 19:24) is not explained. It may have been some form of a thanksgiving sacrifice unto God.

Book of Mormon Commentary: These Records Are True
