“The Priests Lifted Up Their Voices Against Him”

Bryan Richards

The analogy between Christ and Abinadi continues. Noah’s priests were the most adamant that Abinadi be killed. The chief priests among the Jews were the most adamant that Christ be crucified, for Pilate knew that for envy they had delivered him (Matt 27:18). The argument in both cases was that they had rebelled against the supreme authority of the day. Noah’s priests recount, He has reviled the king. The Jewish chief priests recount, this man…maketh himself a king and speaketh against Caesar (Jn 19:12). The priests in both instances seem to think that they will not be held responsible for the death of the men in question. Certainly, Noah and Pilate both felt the burden of responsibility for passing the death sentence. That Noah’s priests and the chief priests will be held responsible for their actions is without doubt. As Abinadi prophesied, God executeth vengeance upon those that destroy his people (v. 19).

