“And Thus God Breaketh the Bands of Death”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

The great Sacrifice and Resurrection of the Son broke, by God's power and mercy, the bands of death that otherwise would have held men forever in their fallen state. Christ's triumphant Resurrection gave Him power to intercede for us; thus through Him all men will be resurrected and placed beyond the power of hell and the grave.

Abinadi extolled the loving-kindness in which Christ suffered and died for men, Christ's patience in serving them, and His compassion for their helpless condition. Christ stood between men and their just punishment. He took "upon himself their iniquities and their transgressions?' "Surely our afflictions he hath borne, and our sorrows he carrieth them." (See Mosiah 14:4)

Having redeemed them. (See Mosiah 12:23)

Satisfied the demands of justice. The idea stated herein by Abinadi is commented upon by the late President John Taylor:

Is justice dishonored? No; it is satisfied, the debt is paid. Is righteousness departed from? No; this is a righteous act. All requirements are met. Is judgment violated? No; its demands are fulfilled. Is mercy triumphant? No; she simply claims her own. Justice, judgment, mercy and truth all harmonize as the attributes of Deity. "Justice and truth have met together, righteousness and peace have kissed each other." Justice and judgment triumph as well as mercy and peace; all the attributes of Deity harmonize in this great, grand, momentous, just, equitable, merciful and meritorious act. (Mediation and Atonement)

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
