“By the Power of God”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

The Book of Mormon illustrates investiture of authority in yet another way: Abinadi taught that our Father in Heaven not only places his name upon his Son but also invests his Son with his powers and attributes. “How is our Lord the Father?” Elder McConkie asked. “It is because of the atonement, because he received power from his Father to do that which is infinite and eternal. This is a matter of his Eternal Parent investing him with power from on high so that he becomes the Father because he exercises the power of that Eternal Being.” (Promised Messiah, p. 371.) Christ is “the Very Eternal Father,” wrote President John Taylor. “Does not this mean that in Him were the attributes and power of the very Eternal Father?” (Mediation and Atonement, p. 138.)

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
