“Doth Not Isaiah Say”

Brant Gardner

Textual: Our current chapter breaks specifically isolate the passages that Abinadi cites from Isaiah (Isaiah 53:1-12 - versification and chapter designations have clearly been designed to replicate the standard Biblical chapters and verses). Unlike the usage to which Nephi and Jacob put Isaiah, Abinadi actually does give a commentary on these verses, which begins in the next chapter in the current edition. Since Abinadi's commentary will come later, the discussion of Abinadi's take on these verse will be reserved until then. At this point, this commentary will concentrate more on the Isaiah passages and their position in Abinadi's discourse.

Abinadi gives the short verbal introduction "Yea, even doth not Isaiah say." This serves as the same function as the phrase common in English: "And I quote." This introductory phrase serves to tie the previous statements with the citation from Isaiah which follows. To refresh our memory, the verses immediately preceding are:

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