“Therefore I Say No More”

Brant Gardner

It is interesting that Zeniff does not name Noah here, but only indicates that he conferred the kingdom "upon one of my sons." In any event, Zeniff considers the transferral of power to his son to be a final act. With no more official capacity, Zeniff does not write in the "official" plates. His comment is "therefore (emphasis added) I say no more." It would appear that Zeniff links the transferral of power to the termination of this record.

Textual: In keeping with the change in kings, there is a break at this point in the 1830 edition. As we will see in the next chapter, the change is more than a break in king, it is a break between this inserted copy of a text, and an abridged record that Mormon begins in the next chapter.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
