They Said He Robbed Them

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

Laman and Lemuel, both, told their children, and thus it was passed on to every generation of their seed, that Nephi had unrighteously taken possession of leadership in the first place, and that to be the ruler of his people was not in his province. For usurping this leadership they had sought his life.

Again, the historian recounts that, when conditions within the little company of refugees grew unbearable, and they separated into two factions, some following Laman and others Nephi, the followers of Nephi took with them the Plates of Brass and other sacred things. Those who followed Laman cried, "Robbery," and ever after asserted, vehemently, this lie, forgetting, too, that it was Nephi who had first obtained them.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
