“I Zeniff Having Been Taught in All the Language of the Nephites”

Bryan Richards

A few points deserve mention. First, one can’t help but notice the similarities between the introduction of Zeniff and that of Nephi who said, I, Nephi, having been born of goodly parents, therefore I was taught somewhat in all the learning of my father…having had a great knowledge…(1 Nephi 1:1). Second, Zeniff says all the language of the Nephites because there was more than one language. They spoke a form of Hebrew, wrote in reformed Egyptian, and joined with the Mulekites who spoke an entirely different language. Third, it is interesting that chapters 9 and 10 are written in the first person. This means that Mormon wrote the story of Zeniff verbatim without abridgement or editorializing. As soon as his son Noah takes charge, Mormon begins to abridge the record and the rest of the story is told in third person.

