“It is Because of Our Iniquities and Abominations That He Has Brought Us into Bondage”

Alan C. Miner

In relating how his people were brought into bondage (Mosiah 7:20-22), Limhi links “iniquity” (v. 20) with the fact that Zeniff was “overzealous” (v. 21) to inherit the land of his fathers. In what manner was Zeniff “overzealous”? We find in Mosiah 9:1-2 that on the first recorded trip back to the land of Nephi (occupied by Lamanites), Zeniff “saw that which was good among them” and “was desirous that they should not be destroyed.” He contended with his brethren in the wilderness, “for I would that our ruler should make a treaty with them.” Perhaps Zeniff too hastily agreed to the terms of King Laman’s treaty because he wanted to justify all the problems stemming from that first mission when he had contended against his leader and the party had to return. Perhaps Zeniff was “overzealous” in trying to justify all his previous actions related to leaving the rule of King Mosiah1. [Alan C. Miner, Personal Notes] [See the commentary on Mosiah 9:5]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
