“Always Abounding in Good Works”

Brant Gardner

Benjamin literally seals up the new covenant with the people. Their half of the covenant is to “be steadfast and immovable, always abounding in good works.” As they honor that part of their covenant, Christ – who is their spiritual father – will seal them up as his. They will bear his name, and his attributes. With this name, they may have everlasting salvation and eternal life.

Textual: Mormon ends a chapter here, and once again breaks at the end of a cited sermon. While this is the last of the quotations, it is not the end of the ceremonies. As will be seen in the next chapter, Benjamin anoints his son Mosiah as king, as he declared he would. Surely this would have been accompanied by some ceremony, but Mormon leaves it out. For Mormon’s purposes, the real impact of Benjamin’s actions are not over – the rest is simply historical details that are necessary to move the story along to the next item of great spiritual significance.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
