“Found on the Left Hand of God”

Brant Gardner

Benjamin reprises his sermon on the master/servant relationship. Here is brings this relationship into the covenant. The name is written in their hearts so they shall “know the voice by which ye shall be called.” Benjamin links this “calling” to the obligations due the servant of the master. The master “calls” and the servant responds. Therefore, verse 13 is explicit in describing the covenant in terms of the master/servant relationship. However, this is not a relationship of distance, but of intimacy. The service rendered to the master brings the servant into contact with the master, and that contact and faithful service allows the servant to know the master, and to earn the right to sit on the right hand of the master.

It is also important to note that Benjamin is dealing with a dualism here – he is still dealing with the left hand/right hand. In this part of the dualism, he is describing the right hand. In the next verse, he contrasts this with the “left” hand.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
