“And Again I Say Unto You As I Have Said Before”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

King Benjamin repeated to his people the wonderful lessons they had learned, and the number of gifts vouchsafed to them by the Lord.

Among the blessings they had received, he counted many: They had come to a knowledge of the Lord; they had tasted of His love; their sins had been forgiven them, which, he said, "Causeth such great joy in your souls."

But, he also said, that in the trials and disappointments of life that are sure to follow, always remember the greatness of God, His goodness and long-suffering toward you, and in the depths of humility, call "on the name of the Lord daily." At all times, was his exhortation, remain "firm and steadfast, and immovable" in the faith which you have in the coming Savior of whom the angel spoke.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
