“I Am Also of the Dust”

Brant Gardner

Rhetorical: Benjamin neatly ties up this argument by returning to his beginning remarks. He once again uses himself as a focus. In this case, he uses the assumption of difference between subjects and their king to make a point. Even though he is king, even though in privilege and rank he may be superior to them, yet he also is “of the dust.” He too is a creation of God, and he is just as much an unprofitable servant as are they. Benjamin has opened up to his people the nature of the servant/master relationship, assured them that they are capable of fulfilling it, described some of the blessings that flow from it, and indicated that they will always be in a position of thankfulness to their God (their master) because of his abounding grace. He seals this description by including himself in it.

We may miss the significance of Benjamin’s words because we are a modern audience. An ancient audience would assume that their king was infinitely superior to them. In many societies the populace were forbidden to touch the person of the king, and in some societies, were forbidden to even look upon him. This reverence for the person of the king in many ways provided the religious sanction as a tool for governance. In any case, it would not be unusual at all for Benjamin’s people, particularly the Zarahemlaites proper who had apparently become even more Mesoamericanized that the Nephites, to see Benjamin as more than a man (remembering his clear affirmation that he was only a man). It is in this context that Benjamin’s placing of himself on the same level as his people before God should be seen. This was a startling declaration, one that certainly had to have perked the ears of his audience.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
