“I Have Only Been in the Service of God”

George Reynolds, Janne M. Sjodahl

To serve God, means, among many other things, a daily sacrifice on our part of all selfish longings. To minister to the needs of His children is but a "thank-offering" to God for the blessings we receive from Him; in serving others we put to the highest use the things He has entrusted to our care. We thus become His servants; we do His will In past ages of the world, God's servants did not oppress His children, nor were any considered more mighty than were others, save those who in might sought to do His will and yearned to be in His service. It is good to remember that none were ever overcome who put their trust in the Great Father of us all by ministering to His children, our fellows. The service we render to God is measured in the same terms, and by the same rod with which we serve one another. We should always keep in our minds, that to serve Him is perfect freedom, and to worship Him is life's greatest happiness and its true satisfaction. King Benjamin said, "In my days of service to you...I have only been in the service of God." In serving His children we may become poorer in the things of the world, but, we will be richer in heavenly treasures.

In King Benjamin's sermons, no lessons are more boldly proclaimed then is this lesson of service. The conclusion is not to be escaped that we serve God best by sharing with the needy the gifts we receive from His bounteous hands, by showing compassion for the distressed, by upholding the falling, by loosing the bound. Truly, we can ennoble our lives no more graciously than by serving God with deeds of loving-kindness to our fellow men.

Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
