Mosiah 1:2-3

Brant Gardner

Verse 2 introduces Benjamin’s sons. Mosiah2 will become the next king. We know little of Helorum, and nothing specific about Helaman. However, it is interesting that both the name Nephi and the name Helaman are used for three individuals in the Nephite record, both tying for the most appearances of the same name for different people.

Verse 2 also notes that they were “taught in all the language of his fathers, that they might become men of understanding.” Where the similar language used by Nephi and Enos was somewhat ambiguous, it appears to be less so here. They learn “all the language of their fathers.” They do so that “they might become men of understanding; and that they might know concerning the prophecies.” That last statement appears to be directed towards the ability to read the plates of brass. In this case, therefore, learning all of the language was required to be able to read the plates of brass.

That understanding is emphasized in verse 3 where, in addition to language, they are specifically taught about the records on the plates of brass. These were the foundation of their understanding of God, so it was imperative that a true person of learning must know concerning Jehovah and his commandments and prophecies as contained on the plates of brass.

Book of Mormon Minute
