“The Plates of Brass Which Contained the Record of the Jews”

Ed J. Pinegar, Richard J. Allen

The information contained in these and the succeeding verses, though very brief, is exceptionally important, for it confirms the coming together of two of the three major populations (Nephites and Mulekites) covered by the record of the Book of Mormon—plus information about an earlier contact between the last of the Jaredites (the third main group of emigrants) and the Mulekite people. Mosiah soon discovers that the people of Zarahemla have origins closely paralleling his ancestral source—Lehi and his family—with one important exception: the Mulekites have brought with them none of the records concerning their genealogy or their scriptural foundations. The appearance of Mosiah and his group, therefore, engenders considerable excitement among the people. In his wisdom, Mosiah has appropriated the sacred records before fleeing the land of Nephi and has carried them forth to preserve the written language of his forebears and the record of God’s dealings with His people. We can only imagine how much we ourselves would rejoice if, believing in the traditions of prophetic discourse and having been deprived for generations of the scriptures, we suddenly found ourselves in possession of the priceless treasure of God’s word to His children.

Commentaries and Insights on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 1
