What is the meaning of the symbolism mentioned by Jarom?

Thomas R. Valletta

Blind and blindness in the scriptures refers to the spiritual blindness of men—the inability to see the truth … .

“The wicked possess an ear that is ‘not opened’ (Isa. 48:8). They are not responsive unto the things of God … .

“The word heart pertains to the evil disposition of a man … .

“The neck typifies the spirit and attitude of nations and men, usually denoting callousness and hardness. … [Stiff necks] are those who are unable to glance sidewards at the concerns of their neighbor or to look upward toward their Creator” (McConkie and Parry, Guide to Scriptural Symbols, 21, 43–44, 64, 86).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
