Enos 1:22-24

Brant Gardner

These comments are summaries. They do not have the detail of the record of Enos’s prayer. Nephi’s instruction for these small plates is that they pertain more to the ministry, and Enos followed that command. The interchange with Jehovah certainly qualified. These events are more historical, although they are the history of efforts at ministering. Because they appear to have been largely failures, Enos does not dwell on them.

The various missions to the Lamanites suggested that there continued to be righteous men and women among the Nephites. This description of the stiff-necked rejection of many prophets indicates that the problems Nephi and Jacob lamented yet remain. The missions to the Lamanites had also failed. Thus, Enos concludes by noting the wickedness of the Nephites, and according to the promise of the land, that should lead to destructive events. Therefore, there were wars with the Lamanites in Enos’s lifetime. The promise was, of course, being fulfilled.

Book of Mormon Minute
