Enos 1:15-18

Brant Gardner

To this point in Enos’s prayer, the most important promise he receives is that the records will be preserved. While the concern for the Lamanite destruction of the records would most logically be for the plates of brass, Enos understands that there are other records of the Nephite people. If we understand from his introduction that he read Nephi’s record, and as a son, certainly he had read his father’s record, he knew that there were things in those records that should be preserved. Therefore, his concern for preservation might have begun with understanding a Lamanite threat against the plates of brass, but he expanded that concern to the official Nephite records, and probably to those upon which he was writing.

Jehovah promises that they would be preserved, and notes that Enos has repeated a request also made by “thy fathers.” In the scriptures, “fathers” might have a long time-depth. It could have meant Old Testament prophets. However, in the context of the Nephites, it is most likely that this comment refers to Nephi and Jacob. Nephi, in particular, understood that their records would eventually come forth, and, therefore, Nephi was certainly one of those “fathers.”

If the book of Enos were written in more than one writing event, this would have ended the first event. There is a thematic break with the following verse, although it is subtle. Thus, it is possible, but not certain, that Enos wrote the sections at different times.

Book of Mormon Minute
