“The Nurture and Admonition of the Lord”

Denver C. Snuffer, Jr.

This is part of a formula first adopted by Nephi. The formula calls for acknowledging parental worthiness, suitable teaching in the language of scripture, and acknowledging God's involvement in the writer's life. Enos changes the order of God's involvement, and his father's teachings. Nephi describes his life's learning as: "having seen many afflictions in the course of my days, nevertheless, having been highly favored of the Lord in all my days[.]" Enos describes his as having been raised in "the nurture and admonition of the Lord[.]" Nephi draws attention to "afflictions" first, then to having been "highly favored." In contrast, Enos draws attention first to "nurture," and second to "admonition." Nephi could see the overriding hand of Providence in the afflictions he endured. He acknowledges God's hand in all that he suffered. He was the better for having passed through his life's ordeals. God's hand in Enos' life was more gentle. He needed admonition, as we all do. However, he was perhaps a more willing student, or a more optimistic personality than Nephi. Whatever accounts for this difference, Nephi's formula includes "afflictions" first, and God's "favor" second, while Enos follows the formula but adopts "nurture" first, and only secondly "admonition." So, in the very beginning verse we find a contrast between Enos and the first writer in the Book of Mormon.

The fact Enos followed the formula tells us something about him. The fact he inverted the order tells us even more. He is willing to follow faithfully, but he is not going to surrender his own view of life to anyone. Enos is his own man. He has his own view. When we read him we are not reading a shrinking violet, but a man of strong convictions who will proceed with his own viewpoint.

In his next statement he transports his record into another setting altogether. He wastes no time. He employs an image with great symbolic intent:

Beloved Enos
