Jacob 6:7-8

Brant Gardner

Verse 7 highlights the implied message in the previous verses. Jehovah has nourished his people, just as the Lord of the vineyard nourished his trees. The choice remains with the people to accept and live the gospel, which is to bear good fruit, or to turn from it and bear evil fruit. There are only two choices in the end. We choose God, or we choose the opposite of God. At the final day, there is no middle ground provided in the allegory.

Jacob continues his admonition to follow the gospel, according to the words of the prophets. Very specifically, he asks: “will ye reject all the words which have been spoken concerning Christ, after so many have spoken concerning him?” The Nephite preaching is an expansion on the law of Moses, emphasizing the coming atoning mission of the Messiah. While not explicit here, in the next chapter dealing with Sherem, the division between the law of Moses without an understanding of the coming of the atoning Messiah will be contrasted with the Nephite emphasis on that message. It is possible that there is a subtle reference here to the nature of the Nephite incipient apostasy. They may see themselves keeping the law of Moses, but rejecting the teachings about the coming atoning Messiah.

Book of Mormon Minute
