How is Jacob sensitive to women and children?

Thomas R. Valletta

“Whether or not that was a result of having seen his mother in anguish over the wickedness of her eldest sons we cannot know, but it is interesting that in his unflinching declaration against sexual transgression Jacob quotes a communication from heaven [see 2:31–33, 35]. … That is a poetic, profound, ‘piercing’ indictment, and we have the feeling here that Jacob understood then what we unfortunately understand now—that it is usually (but not always) the woman who suffers most in the tragedy of unchastity and that usually (but not always) it is the transgressing man who causes the ‘sobbings of the [women’s] hearts to ascend up to God’” (Holland, “Jacob the Unshakable,” 41).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
