“Those of You Which Have Afflicted Your Neighbor”

Brant Gardner

Rhetorical: Jacob makes his discourse very personal by directing a specific question at his audience. Of course he does not expect an answer, but he does expect that the question will require self-examination, and perhaps that reflection will lead to repentance. Jacob also adds another interesting tidbit of information concerning the social situation in the land of Nephi. Jacob specifically speaks to "those of you which have afflicted your neighbor, and persecuted him…" Apparently the degree of pride led to more than a presumption of superiority, but also to an active persecution of those deemed inferior. We might draw some parallels from the history of white/black race relationships in US history. The supposed superiority of the whites allowed them to justify all manner of persecution against blacks - simply because some whites had declared themselves superior.

Multidimensional Commentary on the Book of Mormon
