“Before Ye Seek for Riches”

Church Educational System
Jacob taught that God would not condemn the wealthy for their riches, but for their pride in being rich (see Jacob 2:13–14). The people of Nephi had made money, rather than God, the center of their life. Their search for wealth had become a means of persecuting their brethren rather than a means for doing good (see vv. 18–19). Jacob 2:12–19 and other related scriptures (see 1 Timothy 6:3–12, 17–19, James 5:1–6, Mosiah 4:16–26, Doctrine and Covenants 56:16–20, 104:13–18) teach the following about the accumulation of wealth:
  1. Our first priority should be seeking for and building up the kingdom of God.
  2. Money is a medium of exchange and is of itself neutral. Our attitude toward material and spiritual things shifts wealth out of its neutral position.
  3. Two basic relationships help determine our attitude toward spiritual and material things—

President David O. McKay counseled:

“What seek ye first? What do you cherish as the dominant, the uppermost thought in your mind? What this is will largely determine your destiny. Notwithstanding the complexity of human society, we can encompass all purposes by two great important ones.

(Treasures of Life, pp. 174–75).

Book of Mormon Student Manual (1996 Edition)
