“I This Day Am Weighed Down”

Joseph F. McConkie, Robert L. Millet

There are no heavier burdens in life than those associated with sin. It is not the sinner alone, however, who must suffer the effects of waywardness, there are no private sins, no transgressions which affect the sinner alone. In point of fact, the burden of sin often rests heaviest upon the righteous, those who have eschewed its very appearance.

History attests that nations are toppled by individual immorality, public institutions by concealed corruption. Parents and family members too frequently mourn out their days because of the mistakes of loved ones. Conscientious spiritual teachers and leaders likewise feel the oppressive effects of sin: they weep and yearn and pray for divine direction and heavenly assistance in behalf of their wandering sheep.

Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon, Vol. 2
