Why did Jacob have great anxiety for his people?

Thomas R. Valletta

“This aversion to sin felt by a particularly sensitive soul helps explain the constant anxiety Jacob feels for his people. Because of ‘faith and great anxiety’—an unusual turn of phrase, though not a surprising combination of prophetic feelings—Jacob is shown some of this fate we have mentioned regarding his family. That weighs him down ‘with much more desire and anxiety’ for the welfare of their souls, a burden so great that he pleads not to be ‘shaken from my firmness in the spirit, and stumble because of my over anxiety for you’ (Jacob 2:3; 4:18). Whether it be against the anti-Christ or the specter of debilitating sin, Jacob remains ‘unshaken’” (Holland, “Jacob the Unshakable,” 39).

The Book of Mormon Study Guide: Start to Finish
