“And the Blood of the Saints Shall Cry from the Ground”

Alan C. Miner

According to Diane Wirth, one of the most noted workers in the field of American Indian genetics, Dr. G. A. Matson, has studied blood grouping and stated, "The American Indians are not completely Mongoloid." Professor Earnest Hooten of Harvard not only agreed with Dr. Matson, but thought he saw Near Easterners as a racial component. It is interesting to note that blood types of the American Indian do not correspond to those of east Asian peoples where most scholars theorize the American Indians have their roots. In fact, a more plausible theory is that their ancestors came, by sea, from non-Mongoloid parts of the Old World. Blood types are genetically inherited and passed from father to son, from one generation to the next. Among Asians, blood types A and B are most common; among American Indians, blood type O predominates. Except for the Eskimos, and some Athabascan groups such as the Apache and the Navajo, blood group B is virtually nonexistent among American Indians throughout North, Middle, and South America.

Artifacts found in the area of the Bering Strait suggest the influence of a rather small number of Asians -- far below any number that would have been needed to produce the large populace which existed. What explanation do we have for other racial types in the Americas such as the Negro, if we follow current theories and refuse to consider transoceanic voyages? [Diane E. Wirth, A Challenge to the Critics, p. 25] [See the commentary on Omni 1:15]

2 Nephi 28:10 And the blood of the saints shall cry from the ground ([Illustration]): Various cultures of Mesoamerica portrayed in terracotta. Top left, Caucasian female. Guerrero, Pacific Coast: Top right, Negro, Plateau of Mexico, Tlapacoyan; center, Semitic-type bearded man, Tabasco; bottom left, Caucasian girl, Veracruz; Bottom right, Oriental head, Plateau of Mexico, Tlapacoyan (all in private collections). Drawing after photograph from The Art of Terracotta Pottery in Pre-Columbian Central and South America, by Alexander von Wuthenau (New York: Crown Publishers Inc.) [Diane E. Wirth, A Challenge to the Critics, p. 19]

Step by Step Through the Book of Mormon: A Cultural Commentary
